Advogados Advogados Coordinates for abs po oordinates for abs positioning the closest positioned Coordinates for abspositioning the closest positioned parent box of the positioned ting that ments. Fernando Estevão Deneka OAB PR 31753 Renata Teles de Souza OAB PR 42310 Priscila Alves S. de Camargo OAB PR 52956 Arthuro Antoniassi OAB PR 70267 Karin Josiani Janiski OAB PR 74254 Thiago H. Batista Schneider OAB PR 82486 Paulo Ricardo R. de Oliveira OAB PR 84519 Ana Carolina Ferreira OAB PR 92.254 Cleide Daiane O. de Carvalho OAB PR 92371 Daniéli Santana da Luz OAB PR 95.052 Felipe Deneka Müller OAB PR 102241